03 September 2009


It's finally becoming clear to me that a year is a long, long time. In the grand scheme of things, a year is nothing; when you're only in college for four years, a year is an eternity.
I'm still getting used to Russia. I like it, but sometimes the differences startle me and make me second guess myself.
We still don't know our class schedules, and classes start on Monday. For normal Russian students classes started 1 September, and for us foreigners they were going to start today (Thursday) but then ended up starting tomorrow, and then changing yet again to start Monday.
I usually like doing whatever and going with the flow, but since I'm in a completely different environment I need a schedule so I don't go insane. I keep going back and forth from being really excited to start classes to really scared, from loving Moscow to wondering what I've gotten myself into. I know once I get used to it I'll be fine, but right now is the beginning of the roller coaster: the tall climb to the top before you plummet down around the twisty curves. I HATE the tall climb; all that anticipation building up makes me so nervous. Once I get to the top and can look down at what's ahead, I'll feel better.


  1. Anonymous5/9/09 21:16

    Hey kiddo....trust in God, for He is there for you. I know how you feel, since I am one who has always wanted to know exactly how it goes/schedule and it sure looks like it is not one of those times for you. Enjoy what your plans are for the weekend.....try not to think of it....looking ahead to those years this will be behind you..loveya DJ

  2. Anonymous10/9/09 07:13

    Hey Kara. While a year can seem like a long time, I believe God has been preparing you for this adventure. You are so well bred by the travels you have already partaken, only this time it is without the immediate support of friends and family. The confidence you showed when I visited with you on the 4th of July was developed by that boldness to explore new places. I am asking God to give me a sensitivity to you when you need prayer. In the meantime, I will pray that God will develop life long friendships in a new culture and an appreciation of the freedoms He has given us in the US and as citizens of this earth, even when we are visiting a country that is a bit intimidating.

    I will be eager to read your blog as the year progresses. What an amazing young woman you are becoming with your experience.

    Love, Aunt Kathy
