Stairway leading to my apartment

My door!

Ze kitchen.

Which item does not belong?

Those two tubs are full of crushed egg shells. I was always rather curious as to why in the world my host mom would save egg shells and finally asked. She uses some of them as fertilizer in her dacha garden (seems relatively normal, yeah?) She also makes some of them into this powdery substance and puts a spoonful in her kasha (porridge) every morning...to keep her bones strong....yum.

Living room.

Picture of her dacha.

Books galore!

Old church across from my apartment building.

Street market near my apartment.

Lefortovo Park, about ten minutes from my apartment.

Just some morning exercises, is all.

Break time.

"Don't smoke, be different"

Izmailovo Park a few stations up from my metro stop.


Accident II.

What do babushkas think about?
Hello Kara! My name is Ileana.R.Radkowski and Iam a 22 year old girl from Buenos Aires Argentina. I must say your blog is really extremely interesting for since I really really love Russia ever since I was a little girl really little, but well that is another story. I could make it after years of loving it from the far ... I been there but just as tourist in the year 2004 for 2 months with my dad Wich only maked me fall in love more and more with russia and russians I have the most amazing experience and knew the most interesting people. I still keep in contact with my russian friends almost all the time, to keep with my russian and russian culture... and Iam planning to go to live to West Europe for 2 years, in august if all goes good, after thathopefully I LL go to Russia again.. but that again is another history.. ll see what destiny depares me, I just know Russia IS my FINAL destiny.. somehow.. SOMEDAY I just I feel soooo attach.
ReplyDeleteIt is so nice to hear your histories it brings me back memories and I READ also new stuff I did not know about i GOT TO your blog yesterday and I read it all in a all day .. cause I couldnt seem to stop =) and I really really smiled with each one of your posts. It is nice to hear you get the dream and you make yourself to Russia.. are you planning to stay? or ll return to your home country?
i JUST HOPE you could upload more but I understand you are experiecing maia dorogaia rassia ...Hence,I do no want to be gossipy but could you find at last the MOTIVE that maked you their you so much speak about but never said I hope you can share, it would be interesting to know, Maybe I could find myself an answer in why I love russia so much too.. cause I never knew either.. Iam a mountain of emotions when to Russia it is related.
I hope to hear from you soon and you enjoy your maybe last??? maybe??? hehe =) months b rassie
shielaiu uxpiex!
I just cant describe Russia is mistery ... Russia is just... MAGIC...
Za Udachu!
PokaPoka =)
Kara, as always, reading your blog educates us all to a degree. The pictures of your host mom's apt. are great. Even the wall going up the stairs. ;) What an education for you..but will be glad to see you back at Dickerson this fall. Have you my chance put all these in a book form for that special someone? He wants to read them all, but I am not up to copying them up. Afraid it would take gobs of paper and ink. Just don't delete before you do have it all copied down. They are a must to keep forever. Loveya and miss ya. DJ