There is one area of the sculptures that I could look at for hours -- the sculptures of and around Stalin.

After looking closer at the heads, I noticed the expressions on their faces. A few looked worried, a few sad, but for the most part...they looked quite content with their plot in life. Some had neutral expressions, others stern, some were even smiling.

In person, the woman below struck me as looking worried. In the picture, though, she just looks like she's sporting the typical Moscow "metro face."

There was one head which was peaking through the bars. He's almost free, but still held back a bit by the barbed wire.

Yesterday was my first time at the sculpture park. Yesterday was also November 8th, the day after November 7th, which if you'll remember was the Revolution. Someone had left flowers (red carnations are a symbol of the Revolution) on Stalin's statue.

The flowers were there yesterday, but I when I went back today -- they were gone.

Sounds like you're having a great time! I'm in Yelena Borisovna's Russ 101 class and really enjoy your blog. Keep on posting great stuff!!