06 September 2009

glossary of terms

I've started integrating a few Russian words into my every day English vocabulary, so for your convenience here is a glossary of terms I will most often be using in future posts. I will first list the words in Russian, then how they're pronounced, then what they mean.

чуть-чуть ("choot choot") - a little bit
здорово! ("zdore-uh-vuh")- great!, excellent!, wonderful!
Я забыла. ("ya zah-bwee-luh") - I forgot.
Всё равно. ("vsyo rahv-no") - It doesn't matter./It makes no difference.
Всё будет хорошо. ("vsyo boo-dyet khorosho") - Everything will be OK.
хозяйка ("khah-zyeye-kuh") - host mom
шутка ("shootkuh") - joke
класс ("clahss") - cool, classy
давай! ("duh-vie") - let's!/let's do it!/let's go!

I'm sure I'll add more later, too.
This is only the beginning!

1 comment:

  1. lucky you to have a word for host mom! it's so complicated to try to explain that concept here.
